Automated Bots for Instant Verification of Benefits -

More Leads, Less Work: The Best Way to Automate the Verification of Benefits Process For Patients


Do you provide your customers and visitors with benefits verification or insurance coverage confirmation?

  • If you don’t, we strongly recommend it; it will drastically increase the quality of leads by showing which visitors are high intent leads.
  • If you already verify benefits for your visitors, is it over the phone? Do you email them back? Do you want to learn how automated bots can make this process easier for your company? Is fo, this article is for you

First, let’s dive in:

What is a verification of benefits (VOB)?

A verification of benefits (VOB) is a way to check if the services that you render may be covered by the patient’s insurance provider, resulting in payment from the insurance company. A VOB is important because it helps you to estimate what the patient owes and what the insurance might pay you.

Providing verification of benefits is not only valuable to your organization, it’s very valuable to your website visitors. Most Americans don’t know their coverage. Can we blame them? It’s a “buy it and forget it” type of purchase, especially because insurance benefit contain pages and pages of insurance jargon.

It can be overwhelming for many, however if you can make sense of their policy for what matters to them right now, that will provide a lot of value. It’s the bare minimum nowadays, and most importantly, your competition is verifying benefits.

The Current State

Right now, for many handling verification of benefits, it’s a painful process. 

  1. A website visitor finds your website
  2. They pick up the phone and call the admissions office
  3. The rep may or may not answer right away — phone support is not scalable
  4. Insurance is submitted for verification
  5. Admission reps disengages the caller within minutes of first contact
  6. 1-3 days go by — the visitor will be looking for alternatives in the meantime
  7. Admission receives fully verified phone verification of benefits (VOB)
  8. Call backs begin to continue admissions process

Instant Verification of Benefits with Automated Bots - VOB old process -

VOB is clearly a value add but as you can tell, the experience is clearly broken.

In today’s modern information age, website visitors expect instant information, instant answers, and instant verification. has partnered with VerifyTreatment to make it happen.

The New and Improved Experience with VerifyTreatment and’s Automated Bots

Install our chatbot on your website with a verification benefits workflow powered by VerifyTreatment and instantly deliver a seamless experience like this one.

Instant Verification of Benefits with Automated Bots - VOB new process -

This process is completed in 3 minutes, a vast improvement compared to the 1-3 days’ process (excluding the call back attempts). The longer it takes to qualify, the harder it is to get the caller back on the phone.

Instant Verification of Benefits with Automated Bots - Call center message -

You can imagine the customer’s satisfaction and why they will favor a provider with instant responses. Also, will send these new high intent leads that have completed a VOB directly into your system of record like your EHR or CRM so you can automate your sales pipeline workflows from them.

Looking to get started? All you need is:

  • A account
  • A VerifyTreatment subscription
  • Instant Verification of Benefits with Automated Bots - Botco Chatbot img 1 -        Instant Verification of Benefits with Automated Bots - Botco Chatbot img 2 -

We’ll take care of the rest for you.  Contact our team today and let’s deliver the experience your customers deserve.

Interested in learning more? See the presentation below!