Most Admired Leaders 2018: Rebecca Clyde,
September 21, 2018
Rebecca Clyde received the Most Admired Leader’s award from Phoenix Business Journal. Her outstanding leadership is exactly what makes a success.
Read their full article on her below.
Rebecca Clyde
Title: Co-founder
Years in Phoenix area: 19
Years in industry: 20
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received, and from whom? Just keep showing up. Eventually they have to give it to you.
What’s the most important trait of a great leader? Believing in a purpose bigger than yourself. Believing in others and that they can grow. Believing in a future that is brighter and more hopeful.
Toughest moment as a business leader: Striking out, taking that first leap without the safety net.
Most rewarding moment as a business leader: When you see how far a person you hired has grown and they can now take your job and do it even better.
What mistake did you make early on in your career that you learned from? Thinking too small and fearing my own greatness.
If you had unlimited funding, what charity would you throw your support behind first? Girls in Tech Phoenix, of course.
One piece of advice you’d give the next generation of leaders: The world just needs more of you. Come forward with the best you’ve got, because that is exactly what we all need.
What industry you’d try if you started your career again: Insurance. Just kidding! I love technology.