The Cast Podcast: Rebecca Clyde, Co-Founder Of -

The Cast Podcast: Rebecca Clyde, Co-Founder Of

Rebecca Clyde sat down with Noah Barrasso of The Cast podcast to talk about her experience as a woman founder, the future of automated communication through her latest company, and the impact that the right real estate has on company culture.


Mr. Barrasso: I’m Noah Barrasso.  This is The Cast.  We’re here with Rebecca Clyde.  Thanks so much for having us here at your beautiful office.  Give us a quick background of you and now it sounds like you have a couple of companies you’ve been rocking and rolling with.

Ms. Clyde: Yes.  Absolutely.  So thanks for coming in.

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.  So talk about your new company,

Ms. Clyde: Yes.

Mr. Barrasso: A lot of people watching who have no idea what AI is.  Explain that real quick and then go into this new —

Ms. Clyde: Okay.

Mr. Barrasso: — this new kind of spinoff.

Ms. Clyde: Sure.  So is a conversational marketing platform.  So what we do is we help businesses have conversations with their customers using automated software systems which are essentially the AIs.

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: And so just like Alexa, you can have a conversation with Alexa or with Siri.  Say you wanted to make a deal with Keyser or inquire at Keyser about real estate or about a potential deal.  So there’s a couple of ways I could do that today.  I could call the front desk at Keyser or I could send an e-mail, look up online, go to your website and fill out a form probably, right?

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: Well, what if I could send you a message, the business a message like over a text message or Facebook Messenger or whatever messaging platform and I would get an immediate response, right?  I didn’t have to wait for somebody to call me back or to e-mail me back.  And I could get all my questions answered through a messaging experience.  All right?  That’s what we’re really helping businesses do at scale ‘cause our customers have thousands or, if not millions of customers that are trying to communicate with them constantly with questions, needs, you know, inquiries, and they’re waiting sometimes way too long to get a response back.  And what we have found is companies leave money on the table because they can’t get back to people quickly enough and they have a lot of missed opportunities.

Mr. Barrasso: Is that so, I mean this isn’t something new, the AI, when it comes to popping up like a popup.  What kind of separates you guys, or you girls, both, from the competition and how do you ensure there’s a human that eventually contacts or —

Ms. Clyde: Yeah.

Mr. Barrasso: — use that example.  Someone inquires about a space, a building, an office space, industrial, whatever that looks like and they want someone to respond.  We’ll say that’s a Thursday.  They don’t get back Friday, Saturday, Sunday.  Monday afternoon might be too late, right?  That should —

Ms. Clyde: Right.

Mr. Barrasso: — might feel disrespected. I’m not, you know, there was no, you know, time was wasted reaching out to me.

Ms. Clyde: Mm-hm.

Mr. Barrasso: How do you make sure something like that doesn’t happen, it’s not just all AI?

Ms. Clyde: Right.

Mr. Barrasso: Because I’m sure we have all had that negative experience, right, with that guy?

Ms. Clyde: Sure, sure.  So, so there’s really three, three parts of this story that are important.  So the first is how we communicate, right?  Messaging has become the most preferred way that people communicate.  I mean I see this all the time.  People get a phone call and they actually decline the call and then just message back.  I see this behavior all the time, right?

Mr. Barrasso: Never.

Ms. Clyde: Like don’t call me.  Just message me, right?  We, that’s how we like to communicate largely.

Mr. Barrasso: That’s so true.  Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: So number one.  Number two is businesses, if we’re on the receiving end of that, we have to be able to get back to people right away ‘cause they don’t want to call us either.  They just want the answer.

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: And so the ability to automate responses and automate that interaction on the messaging channel that people want the most on, which is on the channel people want the most, which is the messaging, texting —

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: — driven channel and to do it in a way that’s intelligent, right?  Those are the three things that have to happen so that it works well.

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: And the intelligent part, that’s where the AI component comes in.  So does the software understand, the AI understand the context of the question, what your intent was, and what is the right response to give back to you.

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: And so being able to marry up those two things, that’s what creates intelligence in that interaction and, and ultimately creates a satisfactory or a great experience for the customer on the other side.  Now the handover to the human is also really important.  Like for you guys what you want is to book an appointment or potentially to get a tour scheduled

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: — whatever the call to action might be.  So we can train the AI to answer the questions and then help that person get the appointment booked, plugging into your calendaring software, whatever it is that you’re using, Google Calendar, Calendly, Outlook, any cloud calendaring product, and get that appointment dropped on your calendar and also confirmed on that potential customer’s phone as well so it’s on both of your calendars at the same time.  And the AI can handle that whole interaction.

Mr. Barrasso: That’s super interesting.  Do — so if someone’s on the other end of it they’ll — will they know that it’s AI?

Ms. Clyde: Yes.

Mr. Barrasso: So they’re okay with that ‘cause their answers —

Ms. Clyde: Yeah.  They’re getting the right answers.

Mr. Barrasso: They’re questions are being answered and our stuff’s being booked and they’re being looked after.

Ms. Clyde: Right.

Mr. Barrasso: It’s, it’s not like zero, zero, you’re going to call someone and you’re like just operator, I want to talk to a human and it’s —

Ms. Clyde: Well, but that’s a real scenario too.

Mr. Barrasso: Yes.

Ms. Clyde: So there are situations when I really do just want to get Noah on the phone, not an AI.

Mr. Barrasso: Right.

Ms. Clyde: Well, we have built into our product that prompt available.  So if it’s a situation like a 911-type situation and we really need to talk to a person, the bot, there’s a whole capability where the bot can go silent and a human can take over the conversation.  And then when the human is done, they can put it back into the bot’s kind of in-box so to speak.  So this kind of seamless back and forth between the bot and humans is what we look, we try to enable for companies.  And most — I don’t know of anybody that would implement a bot without that human handover.

Mr. Barrasso: Right.  So how did you create this?  I mean like where did this come from?  Where did this, you know, you’re, you’re running a creative agency and then the next thing you know you’re doing this AI part of it?

Ms. Clyde: So it actually came out of Ideas Collide as, as a need.  So one of our clients was noticing that in Asia they were really struggling to have good deliverability metrics on e-mail campaigns and Ideas Collide was responsible for their global campaigns and also noticed the same issue.

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms.  Clyde: And so I started digging into that and trying to understand, well why is this happening.  What is, what is going on in Asia that is so different from the rest of the world.  Well, that was easy to figure out, right?  It’s — they kind of leapfrogged into the messaging preference way before we did here in the United States.

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: And so in, in emerging countries like China, there was an exploding market for these companies.  People didn’t even do e-mail.  So the idea of like setting up an e-mail campaign for China was like trying to set up a fax campaign.  Like who would do that, right?

Mr. Barrasso: That’s a, that’s a good analogy, yeah.

Ms. Clyde: You just wouldn’t.

Mr. Barrasso: Right.

Ms. Clyde: You would, you would go straight to where people prefer and that was all messaging.  And in China that’s, WeChat is their messaging platform that they’re using, but then Japan, you know, they’re using Kakao Talk and Line and Telegraph and Telegram — sorry, are all of these messaging products.  Facebook Messenger too.  WhatsApp.  So if you look at the, if you look at Asia as a whole, you’ll notice that messaging is pretty much how everybody does everything, business and personal communication.

Mr. Barrasso: Interesting.

Ms. Clyde: And, and Asia was really the first geography that crossed the threshold.  If you look at internet mobile statistics and you say, okay, what percentage of the, of the web traffic in these countries is primarily mobile traffic versus desktop traffic, in Asia they crossed that threshold like ten years ago.

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: Right? In the United States we just crossed that threshold a few years ago, like two years ago.  But in, you know, places like Japan and Korea they were mobile first many, many years ago.

Mr. Barrasso: So it’s not known as informal like it used to be?

Ms. Clyde: No.  That is the communication channel.

Mr. Barrasso: That’s the formal way to do it.

Ms. Clyde: Yeah.  You do business on messaging.

Mr. Barrasso: That’s interesting.

Ms. Clyde: So if you were trying to get a customer deal closed, you would not e-mail that document.

Mr. Barrasso: Right.  You wouldn’t have to always set up a conference call.  You wouldn’t have to always do this.  It’s just shooting kind of notes back and forth.

Ms. Clyde: Yeah.  And maybe you’re doing like a voice memo or you’re sending communication back and forth.   You’d set up — all of your utility is handled through messaging.  Kind of like Slack, you know.

Mr. Barrasso: Right.

Ms. Clyde: Here what we adopted recently was Slack —

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: — in the workplace and we’ve kind of kept our personal messaging separate from our professional messaging.

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: But in a lot of other places, that hasn’t happened.  It’s, they’re a lot more integrated in the same platforms.

Mr. Barrasso: Got you.  That’s super interesting.  So where is the future of this?  Where, where, where are you guys going with Botco and what does the expansion look like?  What, what’s all the fun stuff for that world?

Ms. Clyde: Yeah.  So it’s really exciting.  We’re — this last year we were essentially building out our MVP and we had some really key beta customers, three really important customers that helped us test out our thesis, get our technology really proven, get some good metrics, get, you know, some, some visibility into the results that this type of technology could generate for, for business.  And we’re really excited that we’re finally at that point where we can say, okay, you know, for one of our customers the bot is handling 80% of all of their inquiries successfully.  And that’s incredible —

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: — to think that they went from having to handle this huge volume to now the human handover piece is only 20% of what it used to be.

Mr. Barrasso: Wow.  And —

Ms. Clyde: So it’s a huge improvement.  And it’s driving bookings.  It’s driving appointments.  You know, whatever it is that they’re wanting to generate whether it’s a, a sale, a booking, an appointment, you know, that’s what we’re always hoping to generate.

Mr. Barrasso: That’s super interesting.  It’s very intriguing.  Do you foresee —

Ms. Clyde: Oh.  Sorry.  Before we go — could I —

Mr. Barrasso: Oh, yeah, yeah.  Go on.

Ms. Clyde: So you were asking me about expansion?

Mr. Barrasso: Yeah.

Ms. Clyde: So now that we’re wrapping that piece up, the MVP and beta, we’re launching in June in terms of making our product widely available.  Up until now our product has really been only available by invitation only.

Mr. Barrasso: Got you.  Got you.  And evolved, like you said, had success —

Ms. Clyde: Yes.

Mr. Barrasso: — doing that thus far.  That’s funny ‘cause like you hear things and, and the companies that will be created out of AI, whether it’s going to be Alexa voiceover model —

Ms. Clyde: Mm-hm.

Mr. Barrasso: — to just automated things.  Like if you’re not on that train now or yesterday

Ms. Clyde: Yes, yeah.

Mr. Barrasso: — like you’re kind of behind the game because it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s what it is.  It’s funny.  I, I have a, I have an Alexa.   I don’t know which one, the flat-screen one in my living room.

Ms. Clyde: Yes.

Mr. Barrasso: I listen to music and whatnot, and then in my bathroom I have one too.  So when I’m in the shower, it’s, hey, Alexa, what’s the weather today or, hey, what’s on my calendar today.  And we’ve become so dependent on these things, but it makes it so efficient.  It’s, it’s hard to go back once you’ve done something like that.

Ms. Clyde: Mm-hm.

Mr. Barrasso: So like if you were to remove that from one of your existing clients that you’ve been testing this with, I’m sure, you know, it, they would, they’d feel, you know, naked without it.

Ms. Clyde: Right.  Well, ‘cause think about on their side, this is now handling a huge amount of traffic for them essentially.

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: And in a productive way, right?  So it’s, it’s yielding positive results for them.  And so, and because it also utilizes a channel that people like, right, and people feel comfortable with already — like you don’t have to convince anybody to send messages.

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: People already do that.  And so it’s really about teaching businesses how to communicate with their customers using messaging.  Customers already know how to use messages —

Mr. Barrasso: Right.  Totally.

Ms. Clyde: — messaging.    It’s the businesses that don’t know how to use it.

Mr. Barrasso: Yeah.

Ms. Clyde: And so that’s what we’re really trying to do, is help the businesses figure out how they can scale and utilize messaging effectively to connect with their customers.

Mr. Barrasso: Yeah.

Ms. Clyde: And, and you have to have AI to do that.  Otherwise it just, you’d have to hire thousands of people to be —

Mr. Barrasso: Right.

Ms. Clyde: — typing answers all day long.

Mr. Barrasso: And that’s the antiquated model of people doing that, you know, handling or hiring —

Ms. Clyde: Yeah.

Mr. Barrasso: — so many people are off-shoring a bunch of people, you know, the traditional call center models are very antiquated now and it’s, it’s interesting to see this new technology.

Ms. Clyde: Exactly, mm-hm.

Mr. Barrasso: Yeah.  We’ll probably take a cut there.  Is there anything else there you want to talk about specifically ‘cause we can do a little editing?

Anthony: Sure.

Mr. Barrasso: That’s what’s so different about these ones.  It’s like I see a break any second.  Hold on.

Anthony: I think it’s been interesting while you’re talking about —

Mr. Barrasso: Because I’m already on like Jonathan’s like calendar scheduling and like people, like he’s about to do this whole book talk thing and we’re getting trained on how to handle inbound stuff.

Ms. Clyde: Yeah, like, yeah, like —

Mr. Barrasso: But it’s like why, why even just, Jonathan.

Ms. Clyde: Yeah.  It’s not ‘cause you.

Anthony: Well, here in their backyard.  I’m the, and I’m the person that is always calling people and I love talking to my customers or my clients or my friends or my family, and they’re the ones texting me back.  I’m like, why can’t you just pick up the phone.

Mr. Barrasso: Oh.  I need it.

Anthony: In the amount of time it would take us to text each other and e-mail each other, we could just have a conversation and we can knock all this out, you know.

Mr. Barrasso: Right.

Anthony: And then clearly if you have time to e-mail me, you have time to call me.  It takes time to e-mail —

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Anthony: — just like it takes time to do a phone call.

Mr. Barrasso: What’s funny, when it comes to the real estate side of this piece of people being in the office or if they’re remote, they’ve actually proven that communication can be way stronger if people are at home or remote.  The communication’s stronger.  They’re e-mailing each other or texting or whatnot.  They’re getting responses right away.  So it’s not like this office where you’re walking by someone and, and talking to them and whether they’re annoyed or in a bad mood, but all of a sudden they’re at their office so they’re focused.  And you get a message and they’re writing back and it’s, it’s interesting.  It’s, yeah, it’s super, super intriguing.

Ms. Clyde: Yes.  Humans were wired for conversation.

Mr. Barrasso: Right.

Ms. Clyde: So we’ve even looked at content consumption studies that show if I give you a page, same amount of text, a hundred or, you know, thousand words to read, that your attention span is going to drop, you know, just a few sentences in —

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: — right, and you’re, it’s going to be hard for you to really, for me to convince you to sit through the content the whole time unless you’re really excited about it.

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: But then if I took that content and broke it up into little teeny bits and delivered it to you as a conversation, you would stick with me.

Mr. Barrasso: Right.

Ms. Clyde: Because that’s how we’re wired.  We’re wired for this back and forth —

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: — like what we’re doing right now, this interview.  It would be super boring if I just sat here and talked for 30 minutes and you didn’t ask anything.

Mr. Barrasso: Sure.

Ms. Clyde: Right?  What makes it interesting is that we’re going back and forth.

Mr. Barrasso: It’s college.  Yeah.  Or high school.

Ms. Clyde: Right.  Lectures just —

Mr. Barrasso: But, yeah.  I do the same thing on the micro-content side of the, of the full thing.

Ms. Clyde: Yeah.

Mr. Barrasso: We do the same thing with real estate tours.  It’s, you know, after four or five spaces traveling a day, it’s let’s take a timeout and come back to this later.

Ms. Clyde: Yeah, exactly.  It’s, it’s the back and forth that really works.

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: And so that’s why this conversational format has, has been so sticky, why people will prefer, you know, to carry on this, you know, texting back and forth and back and forth for a while.

Mr. Barrasso: Yeah.

Ms. Clyde: To, to learn information, to, to get what they’re looking for.

Mr. Barrasso: Not to geek out on the, the human side of things, but it’s so cool that companies and people are starting to study the habits of people whether it be in business to business, whether it be in my role of real estate.  It’s, instead of just saying let’s go shop for four spaces, it’s like let’s look at the human capital, how they interact with one another, and how they can best create this ecosystem where like real estate thrives for them.  So you’re maximizing their, you know, productivity or whatever that looks like.  The same thing with this.  If you’re, you know, reaching out to people or your customer and you’re going to lose them after a conversation, as long as I’m just talking right now and it’s like, okay, done.  But if you give little, you know, snippets here and there, it can definitely be more beneficial.  I can definitely see the positive about that.  What’s some examples of where you guys are using this right now?  You don’t have to say specifically the companies, but —

Ms. Clyde: Well I think — yeah.  I can certainly share the — Massage Envy.

Mr. Barrasso: Okay.

Ms. Clyde: So they’re one of our customers and they recently launched their bot with us in February.  So it runs on our platform, our AI, and we’re really excited about Massage Envy’s implementation.

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: And, you know, one of the things we didn’t realize was how quickly we would be training the spa on their domain essentially, on their knowledge.  And we were able to get it up and running and essentially trained, fully trained within all of, I would say six weeks —

Mr. Barrasso: Got you.

Ms. Clyde: — where we went from having maybe ten instances where a bot didn’t quite understand the right response to this, to zero instances where that is happening, zero to one, you know, in a, in a given week.  So it’s, it’s a really great way to see the, the productivity increase and the accuracy of the bot really improve over time. So, and we, we love, we have loved really working with Keyser —

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: — on you, you guys do a lot in the franchising world —

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: — and so it was awesome to see Tai.   I went to the multi-unit —

Mr. Barrasso: Oh, yes.

Ms. Clyde: — the multi-unit franchising conference in Las Vegas.

Mr. Barrasso: In Vegas, yes.

Ms. Clyde: And you guys are huge there.  Keyser had a really strong presence.  Everybody

Mr. Barrasso: We appreciate that, yeah.

Ms. Clyde: — knows you guys there and it — you know I think this also goes back to the ecosystem thing you —

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: — were just talking about.  It’s, like you can help businesses like ours not just find the right space, but also connect us up with the customers —

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: — that would benefit from our technology and make sure that we’re close to each other.

Mr. Barrasso: Right.

Ms. Clyde: I think that, there’s a lot to say about that.

Mr. Barrasso: Yeah.

Ms. Clyde: Mm-hm.

Mr. Barrasso: For the people watching — ‘cause the whole, you know, some of the points of this are to educate folks on —

Ms. Clyde: Mm-hm.

Mr. Barrasso: — whatever it is specifically we’re talking about.  At what point would it be beneficial for a company to potentially approach someone like you or specifically you all when it comes to doing Botco?

Ms. Clyde: So I would say if you are already getting a lot of incoming messages in some way or another.  So whether it’s on social media, if you’re getting a lot of —

Mr. Barrasso: Like what’s a lot?  Like, would, like define kind of that perfect ideal —

Ms.  Clyde: More than —

Mr. Barrasso: — client where you go —

Ms. Clyde: Anybody —

Mr. Barrasso: — we can add value to you today.

Ms. Clyde: — anybody that you cannot respond to within 20 minutes.

Mr. Barrasso: Okay.

Anthony: Ask that question one more time.  As I was backing up I kind of —

Mr. Barrasso: Are we good?

Anthony: Yeah.

Mr. Barrasso: So specifically what does that ideal client look like?  If I’m blank, blank, blank, I should be talking to Rebecca?  Who is that person?

Ms. Clyde: I would say it’s ideal if you’re a big national franchise and you want to create a consistent message across thousands of stores that are, that are all getting pinged daily either through social media or through messaging or through the website with inquiries, questions, customer needs, and you’re struggling to really maintain a consistent approach to how all of those responses are handled either nationally or globally, then you want a solution like this.  It would really help you.  And specifically we’ve been looking at personal services ‘cause that’s where people have a lot of, I would say questions, right?

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: So I’m not just going to go into any waxing place, you know, to get my eyebrows waxed unless I know exactly what product you’re using, is it hypoallergenic, you know.  I’m going to have a lot of questions before I decide to sign up and go in.

Mr. Barrasso: Right.

Ms.  Clyde: And so that’s a perfect example.  Those kinds of companies get a lot of questions that they’re constantly dealing with and their teams are always several days behind

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: — in getting back to people.  And that’s money they’re leaving on the table.  Those are customers they’re not servicing.  So I would say that’s like a place where it’s —

Mr. Barrasso: There’s huge value.

Ms. Clyde: — super — there’s huge value, mm-hm.

Mr. Barrasso: Yes, yes.  Are you guys working with or even almost replacing call centers then when it comes to that world where it’s like let’s utilize this technology, be more efficient and off-shoring some technology or off-shoring some kind of human function at a different country where there might be some language barriers and that’s the person responding to, you know, the, the customer, is that a good opportunity for you guys?

Ms. Clyde: Potentially.  I mean we haven’t gone after the call center per se.

Mr. Barrasso: Okay.

Ms. Clyde: Like we’re not — ‘cause we’re kind of dealing with —

Mr. Barrasso: We can just scratch that then —

Ms. Clyde: — like the different — yeah, we’re not really.

Anthony: — talk about that.

Ms. Clyde: I’m not trying to, I don’t want to attack like a particular industry either, so.

Mr. Barrasso: Totally.  Disrupt them.

Ms. Clyde: I mean it will eventually, but —

Mr. Barrasso: Yes.

Ms. Clyde: — we don’t want to say —

Mr. Barrasso: Yes.

Ms. Clyde: — those of you in the call center business pack your bags.

Ms. Clyde: No.  Right now actually we’re working with a lot of call — we do get a lot of inquiries from unified communication companies and call centers ‘cause they are also grappling with the same issue and many of them are actually trying to build their own AIs.  You know, so, and a lot of call centers have moved to like having prompts on the screen that tell the person the right answer.  So it’s like the person is just saying what’s on a screen.  So why not just have the software say it.

Mr. Barrasso: Right.  The script —

Ms. Clyde: Mm-hm.

Mr. Barrasso: — replacing the script.  These darn scripts.  Now I, I, I feel the pain on that one.  Rebecca, what’s some of the best advice you’ve ever received as a growing entrepreneur whether it’s from a mentor or, you know, a significant other, whatever that looks like that you would, you would share with someone else?

Ms. Clyde: Hm.  Wow.  The best piece of advice.  That’s always hard.  I think the biggest thing I notice out there for myself and among other founders is simply, you know, I know this is going to sound very woo, woo, but it’s like just believe in yourself, you know.  You have to have an idea that you feel so passionate about that you are willing to do really hard things for it.  Right?  Because it’s not an easy road.

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: And you will get a lot of rejection.  There will be a lot of challenges, but if you really believe in the idea and you know that you are the right person to do it, then go for it.  Like that’s what I would say.  And it’s amazing.  Like when, when I find other people that have that belief in their own idea, I’m willing to do whatever they want me to help them with.

Mr. Barrasso: Mm-hm.

Ms. Clyde: I’ll make introductions.  I’ll, you know, extend a hand however I can and, and people are more willing — the right people will come up and will show up to make it happen, right?  Because we can’t do it alone, right?  We have a community.  We need people.  We need partnerships.  It’s not something we can ever do alone.  But if we have that true confidence and belief in our idea and willingness to go through the really hard stuff, then everything we need will come.  I really believe that.

Mr. Barrasso: Love that.  Until next time, I’m Noah Barrasso. This is The Cast. Signing off.

You can listen to the full podcast here.