Designing Consumer-Centric Models for Healthcare Delivery
Anu Shukla, Ryan Bertram and Royce Cheng
October 28, 2020 | 52 mins
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the move away from provider-centric models of care towards consumer-centric care that is increasingly available online and at home. Patients are looking for convenience and the ability to access healthcare through multiple channels with safety and ease.
Care delivery organizations have the option of leveraging AI-enabled chat to provide support and empower consumers through multi-channel navigation of registration, scheduling, visit prep, and follow-up activities.
Join the discussion to find out :
-How care delivery organizations are redesigning their points of service to accommodate evolving consumer expectations
-The value of an integrated self-service strategy in promoting service growth, enabling desired care outcomes, and driving efficiency and
-The role of AI-enabled technologies in enabling scalable and adaptive self-service along the care journey
Join Anu Shukla - Co-founder of, in a conversation with Ryan Bertram and Royce Cheng, partners leading healthcare digital transformation with health systems, provider groups, digital health companies, and healthcare investors at The Chartis Group, a comprehensive healthcare advisory and analytics services firm.
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